Delicious Destrooper Biscuits Delivered to Spain
The Jules Destrooper story:
At the end of the Nineteenth century, Jules Destrooper, a baker and merchant of colonial goods from Lo, gave his customers home-baked Almond Bread to thank them for buying it. That biscuit was so popular that in 1886 Jules switched completely to baking the biscuit. Four years later, Jules launched a new biscuit on the market: the Natuurboterwafel or 'Lukke,' a West Flemish lucky waffle that is traditionally baked around New Year's.
Over the generations, the Biscuiterie continued to develop new biscuits and the biscuits are exported to more and more countries. The ultimate (domestic) recognition came in 1999, when Biscuiterie Jules Destrooper became purveyor to the Belgian royal family. This is a title they still proudly carry.
In 2015, Jules Destrooper was taken over by the Vandermarliere family. They are more than ever committed to the growth and professionalization of the company. Today the assortment contains 20 varieties and three quarters of the production is destined for export. The biscuits are available in about sixty countries, from Japan to the United States and into South America.
Destrooper Biscuits with all natural ingredients
Only one rule applies to all Jules Destrooper biscuits: only 100% natural ingredients. For example, no preservatives, colors, or artificial flavors are used.
Jules Destrooper also only works with the best ingredients, such as pure butter, Belgian chocolate, and delicious almonds from Valencia. It is a guarantee for a full taste experience!
Iconic Destrooper Butter Waffles and other favorite biscuits
In 1890, Jules Destrooper conjured up a deliciously crispy Natural Butter Waffle from his waffle iron for the first time. This cookie is also called 'Lukke' or fortune cookie: West Flemish families baked the cookie during the holidays to give to loved ones as a congratulations. So many years later, the biscuit is still baked according to the same family recipe, with only the best natural ingredients: real butter, fresh eggs, and no preservatives, artificial colors, or flavors.
In the meantime, two new varieties have been added to the family of Natural Butter Waffles. In 2022 Jules Destrooper launched, for the first time in more than 130 years, a variant of this iconic biscuit: the Natural Butter Waffle with a layer of dark Belgian chocolate. This new variant is baked according to the same recipe, but gets a layer of dark Belgian chocolate on one (half) side once it rolls out of the oven. At the beginning of 2023, a third variety joined the range: the Salted Caramel Butter Waffle, for a perfect balance between sweet and salty!